Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Meaning behind "Don't You Cry"

Hello, people from Posiea! I made another video of one of my originals songs, I wanted to do a picture that was like a good spiritual or just a good inspiration picture, and my original song called Don't You Cry popped in my head.  

Now I have done other videos with my songs, the boyfriend, the car, the hourglass, and Fake smiles. And I don't get a lot of views on any of them but it's something I like to do cause it's like sharing two of my talents I have. 

Now I don't have a fancy recording system, in fact, I just use my phone voice memo thing to record my songs for that's all I have and know how to do. So I know it's not the best sound, and I know I don't have the greatest voice. But like I said, making songs and singing to them is one of my favorite things to do so sharing my songs and my art is something I like to do.

The song Don't You Cry is supposed to be about the struggles we face in life and all we want to do is cry, don't just cry but cry to our Lord our God. I am religious and believe in God and his son, and I have noticed in my life that it is better crying my problems to him than just by myself. So that's what's it's supposed to be.

I wrote this song when I was 16, and whenever I want to sing about God I don't like using the word God so I use Lord, I don't know why I just don't feel comfortable to say, God, Lord is sufficient. 

Here are the lyrics

1 verse:
Crayons are colored on these walls 
the black pains are starting to cover up your painting
forget the fight won't work
but forgive will relieve the grieve

Lay back and listen Your heart is cracking up a storm
Lay back and listen you look at yourself in the wrong way

Don't You Cry for the Lord loves you
you can stand up tall for the waves are
coming bigger
the waves are coming bigger

2 verse:
You feel the paper cutting your skin
the options are giving to you
the blessing are giving to you
and you use them wrong and 
feel the terror coming to your head

Tears and pain can't solve on any bites
Tears and laughter can make it go away

3 verse:
Don't You cry for the Lord loves
for the lord is your shoulder oh
cry for strength that he can give you
and his love can lift your burdens

This song may look strange, but every word means something. The first verse is supposed to be about the anger you feel when you see something not right, like for example children coloring your walls and you have to clean it up. And don't you ever get into a fight and even though you stopped talking about it you still want too for it runs through your head over and over again and just can't forget it, you want to say something about it or just have an apology. 

When I said 'Lay back and listen you look at yourself the wrong way' was suppose to be about for those that are struggling with their bodies, how they stopped eating cause they want to be fat, or put tons of makeup so they don't look ugly that kind of thing. They try too hard to look perfect and that's not what God wants, for he loves you no matter what you look like.

The options and blessing are being used wrong are supposed to be about how you decide not to do the right option and go off the wrong one and can't see the blessings that came from the good choices. Tears and pain and solve on any bites is just a formality when you cry cause you're in pain doesn't make the pain go away, but when you laugh it can help the pain, doesn't necessarily pain the pain go away all the way but like you can conquer it.  

Everything else should be explanatory, I think it's a good song and has helped me in times of need or a reminder of need. I have other songs that follow this category and I do hope you get to hear them one day, and maybe one day I'll have a better recording system. For a friend of my mine did tell me that I need to echo my voice...I don't have that nor do I think I'll ever do that unless it's necessary. ( I honestly didn't really get what she meant by that, echo my voice?) 

I have other news I have finally figured out what I'm going to be for fan-X and it's all thanks to my mother-in-law, we were talking about it, looking up what I want to be and see if anything on amazon I could try for a cheap price. Well, what I found something that wasn't cheap but without my knowledge she got it and I am so grateful for her forever. It's a Zelda outfit, I AM GOING TO BE LINK!!! I hope you guys are going to Fan-x it's like comic con here in Salt Lake City Utah on September 5-7, I am so exciting for it.

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