Thursday, August 1, 2019

The beginning and now

The first book that I have ever started was The Lost Fairy, it was originally going to be the Last fairy but I added fairies and so that wouldn't work so it became The Lost Fairy, the problem was with that story is that I didn't know where to go with it, I kept changing it and wanted my sister to draw the story for she was better at drawing than me at the time, (I was like 12 when I wanted to draw stories). But she wouldn't draw and I got too frustrated on what to do with the story, so I decided to do something on my own and started on Five Stars Princess, and I got far on it, my older sister helps here and there on the drawing and the story.

Since I was only like 12 when I really started drawing I had people made fun on my artwork, one particularly never liked my drawings. And it hurt every time cause I know that I wasn't good at it but it didn't mean she had to rub it in, and she wasn't that great either, she would never draw hands and I tried to draw the hands cause you can't have the character always having their hands behind their backs every picture.

I still was her friend in Jr. High School, she was the one that got me into anime and manga and that's all we would talk about and yeah I like it but didn't like how she would criticize me on my artwork, she would always tell me how bad I am and it would never look good. I hated it every time for I was just learning and knew myself that it wasn't the best but her criticism just made me keep going. I would constantly draw, I never went anywhere without my sketchbook. I would sit and draw and draw. Every birthday and Christmas I ask for sketches books and pencils.

Since I can't dance anymore (because of my knee) the new passion that I wanted to be good at is drawing, drawing manga, become a comic artist, that became a new goal for me and I am fulfilling it. I never saw my friend again, for she moved during summertime and didn't tell anyone. I tried searching for her on facebook and such but no luck. I want her to know how much I have improved and that I am trying still to publish my books.

I need to finish Sweet and Sour which is taking forever, I am on a part that is not exciting but is important to have but has no desire to draw it, so I am procrastinating at it.

Sweet and Sour is a cute story and has a very good message, I only did this book to do a trail with, for I prefer my other books for they are long and exciting, but I start with this one so I know how to do stuff on my laptop and tablet for I am used too to do it on my sketchbook and a pencil. When I got the tablet I had no clue how to use it, so Sweet and Sour is a test trail and you can tell from the first attempt to the latest there's a big difference.

This was my first attempt coloring.

And here's my second attempt after a year, I have improved 10 plus!!

It looks so much better, and not only has my coloring improved, but my skills in doing comics have also.

This was the first comic page I ever did on my tablet, and I was trying to figure out all the tools and such, it looks ok just I can tell I was learning how to do the shading and such.

This is the latest page I just did the other day, you can tell the shading looks a little better and it doesn't have to be so detail to impress the reader, at least I think so. I thought I had to add all bunch of crap but really you don't need too when I read manga some are very detail and very cool but some others are not and they are still a good story. 

So I know the more you practice the more good you will be, I didn't start out good but the more I did it the better it got and easier it got, it was hard to draw I thought I'll never draw hands good but YOU WILL. It will happen over time. 

Now say that for that's what happens to me, the more I drew the more it got easier and better, but I have met one particular person and she was drawing like me wasn't I never told her I would tell her advice but also tell her what I like. Over the years I thought she would get it like me, but till this hasn't improved. I don't know how or why that is but it is.


I hope by the time I write another blog that I have gotten another page down, I still try to do a page a day but did do a project that took me over a month to do. I am going to Fan-X with my buddy and we are selling posters and books.  Our art. So I have been coloring 14 pictures, and I really enjoyed doing it it has improved my coloring skills even more.

If you guys going to be at Fan-X here at Salt Lake City Utah in September you can look for me and my buddy.

I don't know if my buddy wants me to share the pictures we are doing so I will hold off on it, but she is the one that is selling her books that I have helped color the front cover, it's a good clean book.

The Lost Space Warrior (Volume 3)The Lost Space Warrior (Volume 2)The Lost Space Warrior

The fourth one is also coming soon, she has accomplished so much I hope to get there too. I have been so excited about this event it's like Christmas to me.

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