Saturday, November 30, 2019

I'm Starting a New Channel

I have started something, I started to do a blog, wait this is a blog, I meant a Vlog. A video plus a blog together on a channel, not on K Productions 3.0 channel, I'm doing a new channel just for me myself and I. K Productions was supposed to be a channel about my sisters and I, as in the Intriguing life of Nonny Whitney and Tutu, music videos and such. Most of the videos became more about me and I didn't like how the name K Productions was mainly about me, so I'm starting a new channel and hoping it will be better than K Productions.

I'm not going to lie I felt very awkward on this first video, even though I have made many other videos in the past year I just didn't know what to say and such, I'm not a very social person, I mean yeah if you came to me and start talking I'll talk back, but I'm not the one that will get in your face and talk, I just don't do that. I kind of did when I was a missionary, I had to talk, I had to get into people to accept Jesus in their life. That was a hard thing to accomplish. Once I did though it got easier to talk to people when I came back home it slowly went away. Anxiety got a hold of me now.

I don't think I'll stop doing videos for K Productions 3.0, but I think I rather it be a video mainly for my sisters, the Intriguing life of Nonny Whitney and tutu. I have 81 videos on K productions 3.0 and these are the videos that are mainly fro the Intriguing sisters.

Play Day was one of my first videos of attempting to animate this story. This story was from the originals when we were a lot younger and it was a story about the sisters trying to swing on this swing set and it gets messed up.

This was my first attempt to animate a program I had that I no longer can use, and it really fried my brain to figure out and such.

This is the introducing the sisters, who they are and such, I did this a speed video on paper for animation was hurting my brain too much I couldn't figure it out.

This is my favorite video.

I got a program on my Ipad before it broked I used to make this animation and I enjoyed it much better but it doesn't have the best look, I had to do each page and just used a cheap pen for my iPad. 

I thought this was a clever idea, it took forever to do but it was more different than any other video. It is about a text message that was supposed to be simple but ended up no so.

Columbus Day is a Thanksgiving day video, a comic we made together just five years ago during Thanksgiving time. It's my favorite thanksgiving comic and made it into a video. My animation now it is just a page by page, for the program, I did use I can't use anymore for I got a new laptop and doesn't have a CD player so I couldn't upload it again.

 Organic Spreaders was another original comic we did together when we were a lot younger. I did it on my Ipad before it broke and think it's a fun video to watch.

Before my laptop broke I did make this short video about a true story about myself, I for some reason am bad at receiving gifts, I just don't know why I do but I only care for certain things I guess. Someone did give me money and I was ok with it but then someone else gave me a piece of paper and I overreacted making the other person feel sad. I feel bad afterward but at the moment I was happy about the paper.

I thought this was a clever video about a singing show, I don't think I'll win, and I don't think I'll stay calm if the judges did turn around, I'll just freak.

This is just a comic, but apparently, I got 117 views on it, the most views I ever had on a video. Yeah, I don't know why either, it just shows how I did my Fat comic.

When my laptop wasn't working I wanted to keep trying making videos and I was dealing with the bad case of Postpartum Depression, (A very bad case). I did this video during that time and I would really think I would burn a house down and wouldn't care, for when your depressed you just don't care, at least it was for me, I had a dragon and was blowing fire. 

For the next channel, I will be calling it Flanngy's Channel I hope right now it says Flanngy K Production but that's because that's my email name and it just did that I hope I can change that. Once I get the first vlog video up and running I'll let you know. 

Monday, November 25, 2019

I have FINISHED The first book of Sweet and Sour

I did it! I finished Sweet and Sour book one, it has taken me 19 months to do so, and not all of it is my fault, first of all, I was having a baby during the making, my laptop died, and I didn't know how to draw on a tablet.

I am so happy to have it done, when I did the last page I felt relief, but also puzzled like what do I do now? Of course, I need to get into the next book for that will tie up the loose ends and have a great ending but this book took me so long I didn't think I would get it done. It took so long for me to get it done I wonder if it will be another 19 months to do the next book. I hope not.

It feels great to have this book done, exactly on November 16, 2019, and this past week I've been looking over it, putting numbers on the pages and checking my grammar. I still prefer someone else to look at my book for editing, I got a friend who is willing to do so and my mom but that's it I can't really afford one.

I am happy to finish this book and overview it, now I need someone else to review it and then and THEN! I'll figure out how to publish it, I am thinking using Creative Space that's an online self-publishing website and I know someone that uses it for her book, I don't know if they can do manga but it's a try, right? I got no one else and got no money to pay for it like my friend is doing. I hope it will be a success and that people will want to read the next book of it that I am going to start next week or after Thanksgiving, I need a break.

This is the last page of the story, what is happening?!?! It's a bad cliffhanger and you probably have no idea what's going on with this picture.  When she lost her memories they turned into crystal balls, so in this picture shows her receiving one ball and that's it.

What will the next book be about? If you haven't read this book so far I'll give you taste here, I have posted this book a few times in my other blogs but instead finding them I'll just post two chapters three chapters here. There are five chapters in this book which I think it's a good amount and there are 206 pages. I have also posted about the characters in my blog and explained more about the Heaven Kingdom and how it works for it is very complex. There is a school to be a savior or destroyer, there are three doors, Pre-Mortal, Mortal, and Immortal. Mists are just angels that don't do anything, a prison for those that need to repent and such, and also there is an Abliss place and an Abyss place, paradise or paradoom. The eternal being is God that lives behind a curtain because of his greatness but anyone can go to his councilors which are called the Twelve Leaders. 

Oh boy so much going on in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

The Struggle is Real

Hello people of the world, Krissy here with another blog post.  Depression is a real and serious issue that affects many people. It can be d...