Wednesday, October 24, 2018

First Unedited Chapter of Sweet and Sour

Hello, so I was hesitant to post this but decided to do it, I feel really accomplished even though it took me like...five months to do one chapter, hopefully, I can do the next chapter faster and get the book done before Christmas, I want to do at least 200 pages or do three chapters, not sure which one will come first for this first chapter took 60 pages, and I did not expect that. It's not edited for my grammar is bad but I hope it makes sense and maybe someone wants to edit for me for free...maybe? I hope this was ok to post, I worked really hard on it and hope you can appreciate it as much as I did. It's not perfect either, I'm still learning how to do this so you have any pointers comment below, I would like to hear your ideas.

And that's chapter one, a little Prolonge in the beginning but that basically chapters one and working on chapter two. My goal is to do two pages A DAY, yes I don't know if I can for so far I missed a few days and made up for it yesterday but I am trying to do two pages A DAY. Oh man, it's happening. Maybe after Christmas, I'll take a break.

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