Friday, December 7, 2018

Being Famous

In High school when drawing my books has become a thing and how badly I want to publish my books, I want to be someone, someone that gets be known for something she did and get to perform on stage for I also have written songs that I would like to sing to the whole world even though I'm not that great of a singer I just like singing my songs. The point is I want to be famous, not totally famous to the point everyone wants to stalk me till I'm naked just famous enough, you know what I mean?

After I graduated from high school all I was doing is babysitting my nieces and nephews as a job and taking my brother and sister to Tae Kwon Doe, I remember one of the times I was picking them up I was sitting in the car just thinking what's happening to me right now and just bawled for I hated it, I didn't want any of this, I yelled "Is all I'm going to do is Babysit?!?" I didn't like it, I wanted to get my book published, get song albums published, I didn't want to babysit for the rest of my life.

I decided to try to go to college, for after a year from high school I was bored to tears. Which I never thought would happen for I did not like High school, but I needed to do something besides babysitting. So I tried to apply UVU and was accepted and before I could do anything else I was told that I could go on a mission at the age of 19, I was 19 right then and decided that's my destiny. I put college on hold and got ready to go on a mission.

I serve a full-time mission for the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for eighteen months and that was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but it was also the most rewarding I have ever done. We set goals every day to find someone, help someone, serve someone, share someone, and so forth, I love it and hate it at the same time for the rules were super strict, we had to get up at 6:30 EVERY MORNING and be in bed at 10:30 EVERY NIGHT, and only have an hour for breakfast lunch and dinner, after the hour we had been out serving. That was tough and could only write letters and emails to my family on Mondays for an hour. Point being it was hard but yet worth it.

I couldn't necessarily draw my comics on my mission so I draw for people at night, and when I give them my picture they absolutely love it, for people love getting their picture done, I would also doodle in my journal.

When I got home from my mission I was completely lost, and I have explained this part of the story before so I make it short, basically I was lost, didn't know what to do for I did try going back to UVU but had to take the test again and once I did they ask if I can take it again and do it better for I would have to be in math class for years before I get any credit. I didn't want to be in school paying thousands of dollars for credit I'm not even getting till years later. So I didn't go to school.

I went back to babysitting but eventually found a man, dated, engage, married and now have two kids. But when I had my first kid I was bored to tears, time went by so slow and I was going insane. So I decided to do something about it, well took a long time but I got a tablet and a used laptop and started doing my book, comics, and animations. Now that my laptop is broken I'm doom, hopefully, for Christmas I'll get a new one.

I will still like to get my book published and get my songs into albums and be able to perform them on stage or get to the opportunity to sign my books to people that like them.

Since my laptop doesn't work I can't use my tablet, so I have been pen/pencil drawing.

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