Thursday, December 6, 2018

how to draw a rose or Flowers in general

Do you like flowers? Flowers are pretty I like them, I use them a lot in my books in the backgrounds and such, especially in my story call Flower In the Dust, everyone has a personality of a flower. No just kidding but I like to draw them like a flower.

Anyways I learn on my own how to draw roses and other flowers, I use my manga books for help but besides that, I did it on my own, kind of figure it out.

There are so many different kinds of flowers, my favorite flower is a Sunflower for when I went on my mission for my church for eighteen months I served in Kansas Wichita and their state flower is Sunflower and I have learned a lot about Sunflowers and decided they are my favorite for a particular reason.

Sunflowers follow the sun when the sun rises they keep their heads towards the sun, I wrote a song inspired on that. I would love to sing it to you for it's one of my favorite songs I have written but I'll just write some of the lyrics, it mainly is about how we should all follow that sun instead of the dark but we also have to keep following the sun for their hypocrites and stiff necks, stiff necks don't follow the sun, sun is meaning God.


First Verse

We walk thru Darkness in Mid-day
it feels cold and no one Knows
I could never walk in their shoes
following the sun even at night
it can burn forever.


Dimming Lights, holding pieces, we were bling so many times
not realizing where love can be found oh-oh oh-oh!

Second verse

Praising for four hours
then it's back to the mist of blackness
Watch out for hypocrites
watch out we will be stiff necks
no matter what if this


Last verse

I may never know what
will the future will be
or the present
all that I can know is the past
leads us a better place
if we follow the sun
all day

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