Tuesday, December 4, 2018


I have been thinking a lot, about life, like what the heck are we doing? I am from a religious background and I do believe in a God that created this earth and we are his children, his plan for us here on earth is a mystery to me, but I don't question about it too much for I have faith that everything will be alright. Or will it...

With my postpartum depression, I'm dealing sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, for once I am in that tunnel it hard to crawl out of it and I'm sure it's something you have to deal with it too. Everyone has a story, everyone had some tragic happen in their life, and you are probably still dealing with it like I am today.

I love my children, I would do anything for them, but everyone needs a break. With my postpartum I get to the point where I can't take care of my children anymore I'm too mad and start to tear things apart. Which my hubby never likes, so he tries his best to help out by taking the kids for me or going out on a date with me this comic I did is based by a true event.

I just made a video about how to draw a circle and the shape circle has been inspiring to me lately. 

I hope you enjoy it.

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