I am a religious person, I believe in God the father and his son Jesus Christ, I have grown up in my church and on my mission, I had to figure out myself if what I was teaching was true, and I had by searching for myself and asking God himself and he has given me the answer that what I was teaching was true and where I belong is true and I was very happy about it.
I was studying the other day about Viture, and I haven't had a good study in a long time so I was so into it and decided to draw it. Use my skills to the test I didn't know how I was going to but I was determined to do it.
The quote is by me for that's how I understand virtue, it is something pure and keep the mind clean. For I am not perfect growing up I may have been tempted and it was very hard to stop thinking it. But I know that the more I study and prayed and song good songs it got easier to stop thinking it, it was like a drug at first but it slowly stopped and now I feel free from it. I am sure this will work for anyone that is addicted or get tempted.
But now I am conflicted, I want to work on another story for that's what I did before with all my lovely sketchbooks, I would work on four different stories at once and it helped. A lot of people would tell me that's not the right way to do it for I need to focus on one, but I'm sorry I like working on other books for it helps me. Doing one then go to a different one and then I feel better getting back to the first one I was doing. I don't know it really helps me, I have been working on Sweet and Sour I am to the point where I just need a break, even though I haven't finished it I am still planning on it I just need to work on something else. I just don't know which one to do.
Gaining Altitude is one of my favorite adventure story that my sisters and I have come up with. It has full of adventure, fantasy characters, probably will be the longest story I'll ever do. I haven't finished it but the other day I was reading it and it made me want to so bad to finish it.
Flower in the Dust is a story about a farm girl that found out she is Princess from a wizard world and demons are after her cause apparently she is the most powerful wizard on her magical land called Saphairy, it is a good story, has some great characters and I have finished this story, took me five years and it was a great accomplish. I would like to work on it again to make it look better but I would like the change a few things to make the reader more interested in it.
Moon Princess is a dark precious one, it is so well done and it's by my sister and I have tweaked it a little and like I said it's my dark precious one, it's not for kids, sorry kids but this one has to be gory for there is a war so there are blood and intense fights. But has an amazing romance story in it.
Chapter three is all about how good people can be a slightly bad, not necessarily evil or devils I just name the chapter that for the whole heaven you either be a Savior or a Devil, so, in this case, yes these angels can do some bad but for good reason.
Joy has the longest hair in this story and I have to say I really enjoy it, I like doing her hair.
Their plan to find the crystals is going great, I am close where they found them all. I haven't done like how they found them all the time kind of thing for my focus is when they do find them all something happens when Joy gets her memory back. This is supposed to be a short story if they ever do like an animation out of it they can make it longer by doing an episode for each crystal found.