Saturday, September 14, 2019

Doing New Things

Hey people in Posiea, I have been working on something that took me a while to make cause I had to be very patient with it and made sure it worked out smoothly. The problem is I did mess up, while I was editing together thinking I got all the pictures I need to make this video I missed a part. 

I asked my sisters to text me as if we were are cartoon characters, Karli as Nonny, me as Whitney and Kynsie as Tutu. We did this conversation that is really random and I don't know I feel about it but it's something very different, so I manage to turn it into a video by doing each text message at a time. As the process, I missed a few text message and I can't figure out how I did cause I wrote it down and tried following it at a time but I just somehow missed a few texts so it might be confusing but it's not terribly bad it's still funny and goes smoothly.

I don't know what to call it, so it's #Texting while on Youtube it's called "If they were texting", I don't know if that's ok but it's the best I can do...maybe.

I have also been on Tik Tok, something I am trying and I got to tell you I am having way too much fun on it, I made a few videos and that's all I want to do is make these short videos. They are short but it's to the point and so funny, I was really spectacle on it at first but it is something I like to do, making videos have been a thing for me.  I like making videos. 

Here's one of them, I think I look really good with Anime eyes, I look so pretty. I am so invested in this Tik Tok app.

So I am working on Sweet and Sour, it's a project I have been working for over a year now and before I liked to work on different stories at once so I did give in and started on my friend story she wrote and I'm drawing for her, the problem is I having with that is that I get really bad anxiety, before when it was on sketchbook she would like my drawings and it would be fine. Now for some reason, it's different on the tablet version for she is criticizing everything I do. The biggest one is detailed, she wants detail which is fine it's just not what I'm used to comparing what I do to Sweet and Sour. And now there is something wrong how I draw the characters and I don't know how to fix it so it has gotten me to the point where each time I attempt to draw on her story I get too anxious and couldn't get myself to do it. I can't breathe.

So I have started on another that I know I'll be fine in, I probably will get back to my friend story but for now, I need a break for this anxiety is killing me. Why must anxiety control our lives?

The next story I have started is called Moon Princess, I have tried selling a picture from it to Fan-x but got no luck, but this story is very precious. It is not going to be kid-friendly for violence at least, there will be blood. That's really hit, it will be clean from swearing and nudity and such but there will be gore, I am not holding that back for the man is a great soldier swordman guy so when he fights there is blood. He has a dark history and when he found the princess things started to lighten up. 

It does have a very, very, sad ending, but not to worry it won't be the last of it, there's like another book of series that shows a good ending with different characters and such, I am still figuring out the name, I am thinking The Legend of Moon Princess or something like that.

This is possibly the front cover of the story, still not sure, I mean I like it but when others saw it they thought he was a girl...not sure how possibly because the hair, but I don't know what do you think?

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