Monday, September 16, 2019

Rich being Poor

I get these moments where I feel very useless at what I do and hate how poor I feel. I know it's life, it's something we all have to figure out, but I'm just so tired of it. How does Mr. Beast do it? Do you guys know Mr. Beast? He is probably the richest guy I know or see on Youtube and Facebook, I mainly watch him on facebook, he does videos just to throw away money. I love watching the challenges that can only be done with lots of money and he loves doing it. Or at least I think he does, he loves giving money away, I have no idea if he ever like spends for himself for in his videos he just spends it on others.

I wish he would give challenges to really random people like me to get a free house or something, for right now that's all I want. I could be selfish and just be happy what I have now and I do, just there are moments where we are very tight getting rent paid and all our other bills. I wish school would teach you more about how to be an adult than other crap. And if they did they failed for I didn't learn anything on how to be adult until I became one.
Anyways I'm sure people are way poorer than me so I am grateful to at least have a basement apt, with no fridge, and no A/C. 

Anyway enough complaining my point is I would love to do what Mr. Beast is doing, give give give, for Christmas I always had a fantasy to be a secret Santa and give to families that need it. And be able to pay other meals, I am tired of them paying for mine, it can be embarrassing for my friends be like "let's get lunch!" and then I'm like I would love too but can't for I got pennies. They are willing to pay so we can hang, but still, I'm like...

I do have the greatest blessing in the world and that is my kids. They mean the world to me, more than what money can buy, and my hubby, I can use him for free for good pleasure he makes me happy. He is always trying his best to provide, I probably shouldn't have quit my job but I was on a fence and got more stressed and passing out the more I was trying to figure it out, but right now I feel like I should get a job because we are in a financial hole that keeps getting bigger, but the only way I can get  job probably has to some kind of graveyard job or I somehow have babysitter that works for free. I am happy to be home with my kids, I get to do my favorite job and that is working on my book and making videos. But it isn't going anywhere right now so I feel like I should get a job that can help but am afraid I might pass out.

Anyways so from my last post, I believe I was talking about doing a video challenge of drawing pictures I like from shows, movies, games, and books that sort of thing. I don't know how I am going to do it but going to try. I made a list and what I like and it as all sorts of different types like anime, marvel, Disney, and etc. It's not just all anime.

Speaking of Disney did you guys know about an article that claims Disney Lion King is stolen by Kimba the White Lion an anime from Japan that I have never heard of but as I got deep into it I really don't think they stole anything, for one the main white lion name Kimba was originally called Leo, when they did it in English they called him Kimba. And the story is that the white lion tries to help his fellow animals from the hunters so I feel like that's a really different story that what Lion King is all about. I'm not saying I'm right, just when I read that article I wanted to look into it and feel like it wasn't really what they claim it is.

I never watched Kimba the White Lion just looked up the info about it, so maybe I am wrong I don't know. But what I do know that I love Lion King, the plot, the animations, the characters, I haven't got to see the newest version of Lion King yet but really want too. I do have a thing for lions, lions become my favorite animal by age 17. When I die I want a pet lion name Fransico, and we will be the best of friends. 

I love cats. I would love one, but with a fish that my three-year-old got at a fair I don't think we should have one. I am ok with the fish just don't like cleaning his fish tank, I honestly didn't think it would live this long. I am sorry if I have bored you with this post, I honestly didn't know what to write about, I just wanted to write about something.

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