Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fan Art Requests (P.S I still on a fence)

I posted a picture and said that I am willing to do requests, didn't think anyone would ask but just want to put it out there for I have done a few so far. Right after though someone did request a picture and I was so excited that worked. I didn't charge him or her anything I was just happy to do it. But next time I am wanting to charge like ten dollars for a picture and it can be anything. So far people want me to draw something very special for someone which is nice and cool, but I am willing to do pictures that are like your favorite character from a movie and etc. Just message me here on my blog, Instagram and Facebook. 
Instagram Kproductions3.0_flanngy
Facebook K Productions 

And besides drawing for someone else I am starting the idea I have to create a picture I like from a movie, video game, a show or a book. This week I did Howls Movie Castle, a cute picture of Sophie and Howl together with Calcifire. It was fun and glad my recording was going swell. Sometimes it doesn't record. 

I have made a list to do each week and hopefully, I will keep this goal. I am also in the process of making an animation of my scary stories. They are not really scary, just at the moment, it scared me so I hope people will still watch it for it's hilarious. More than anything they could me my embarrassing stories for me, but not really I have really embarrassing moments that just made me turn red and want to hide forever.

I really improve every time I color. I am always learning about something on this program and getting so much better. I really like to color now, I never did before but now it's like my stress relief reliever. Or something like that. Anyways the point is I really like to color now, I may have already mentioned it before in my past posts but I really do mean it this time. Someone I met at Fan-X saw our posters and was like, "Oh these are like the old kinds," and my friend was like "old kinds????" but I knew what she meant. The digital art today is way advance than how I do it I knew what she meant o I explained how I am still learning for I am self-training myself and doing this for a year and a half now. She was telling me how she still loved my work and likes how the old fashion digital art is still amazing work and it's something that it still should be something. It made me happy to hear her say that, but I still want to learn how to improve. 

What I would like to do is go to Graphic School, but I just don't know if I can, I don't have the money or time to do it. But if it would help me with the skills that yeah I want too. But I am still on the fence about it. I know someone that went to graphic design school and manage to do two years in it and had to quit for reasons, but I don't think that would be an issue with me fore I got some skills and would like to improve on it no matter.

When I was working at DI they wanted to help me to go to school but after working there a bit I kept passing out and so I quit and haven't passed out since. But now I kinda wish I stayed cause they can help me with school, and I could go back just have to figure out with schedule and babysitter for I didn't before and maybe that's what makes me passed out because of the stress of working and finding a babysitter. I got no one, but know a daycare that just opened up near my house I could possibly do that but that also cost money. 

But we are in a money crises and have been for years now, when I had that job it really helped us out, either I should go back, have them give me fewer hours or do something less stressful and go to school thru them, maybe that's something I should do it seems logical right? What do you think please tell me I would like advice.

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