Friday, September 13, 2019

Watching Anime

I am trying new things lately, for example, new anime, I haven't been watching any anime for a...while, so I just checked out what's on Netflix and only manage to finish one (but I don't think it has all of the episodes for it ended terribly...) Vampire Knights.

Image result for vampire knight

I have some of the books, up to like 15 or something like that I had to stop buying the books for I am sorry the story plot got too slow for me. Shoot me, I got bored. When I started reading this series I was so intrigued in it, I thought it was genius, loved the idea of Vampires going to school at night and such I thought it was really creative. Maybe I need to finish the series before criticizing it for I never did finish it, but when I picked up the last book it had at the book store and saw something I didn't like, I was ok not finishing it. The Anime is following the book very good, I was enjoying seeing it in animation and enjoyed the character again like I did when I started reading the books, but it only had two seasons on Netflix and don't know if that's really all but it did end where I lost interest in the book version. All in all its a good vampire story, I love the art in the books, love the style of anime it is, I would read it again or just look at the pictures.

I tried watching Sword Art Online, and the plot was very good, to begin with, the idea of being trapped in a video game (still don't know how that's possible) is very different. Unlike Jumanji that was a really good show how they got trapped in a video game, the first movie was my favorite show as a kid so I love the second one.
Image result for Sword art online
This show is very intriguing, haven't finished it but got far in it, I hope it does have a good ending they will get out of the game and figure out why that happened to them for it makes no sense why they are. Love the art, style, the swords, and their environment it's pretty good, just I have a thing with girls in their underwear...I know a lot of anime tend to do that and it makes me uncomfortable, and if it does to me I don't dare share it to my hubby for he shouldn't be looking at that, (only me).

I have also watched this movie called the Silent Voice.
Image result for anime silent voice
I don't know if there was like any series with this movie, all I know that I loved it. I did get bored in the end and had to fast forward for it was going slow but I did enjoy watching this cute friendship together and such. I am into America Sign Language so the fact the girl was deaf I was really interested in the first place, the sing language is in Japanese and I liked that a lot, so cool to use sign language I find it awesome. The animation was clean and nice, I like how it shows their personal problems like what we can face in life and the struggle it can be. I would suggest this movie to anyone, it has great messages in it.

My hubby asked me "are you really into this stuff?" besides the fact when we got married I had a whole collection of manga books, and posters, and a plush toy of Sanosuke my first boyfriend, yes I was into this stuff. I never really watched any when we got married because I was embarrassed, sometimes anime can show things that are so not ok to watch, (just when they are in the nude), like my favorite anime is Princess Tutu, have all the collections to it and it can just show off a lot and it embarrasses me to have others besides my sisters to watch it with me. (especially if it were my parents). But I do enjoy watching anime and want to continue so here I am doing it and its new to my hubby.
I answered him yes, I do like this stuff you should know I use to watch this kind of stuff all the time growing up. Sailor Moon, Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruit Basket, Studio Ghibli movies, Kaleido Star, Pretear, Princess Tutu, Cardcaptors, Mew Mew Power, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and such. I also read them. I have a collection.

When I was at Comic-Con it really opened me up how much I love anime and how I want to continue to do so. I have written a list of what I like, movies, series, books, and games and want to paint them. Make fan art like I have already with my favorite artist Imogen Heap and my first boyfriend Sanosuke, I don't know if this will mean anything to anyone but it's something I want to do and make a thing out of it. Like I want to record myself each time I do and do like a weekly thing...I don't know does that sound dumb? I am very considering it.

I know I need to finish my book, it's taking forever, I am so slow at it, but maybe working on this project will help, or not it will probably make me slower to finish my book.

I don't want to do a big thing of showing them finding each crystal memory if you know the story, like in big shows of anime they do each episode of finding a thing they need and such, I am not going to do that, so I did time lapse and show a little bit of them finding them.

I also want summer break to be over, so they can get back to school for important stuff happen at the school, so I hope I didn't rush summer too much.

I hate drawing cars, I am terrible at it and don't like it. When all my other stories that don't have cars I will be ok with. 

Funny how short this was, this was chapter four. I didn't realize how short it was but it is, it just shows mainly what needs to be to end summer and the next chapter is a bit longer. I am on page 163, and hope to end on 200 or at least to the part where I want it to be for it will be a terrible cliffhanger. And cliffhangers are good for readers, hehe. 

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