Thursday, August 9, 2018

My first tutorial

Hello, so I was looking at Pinterest and like to add tutorials on my board and one time I thought, “hmm maybe I should create those” so I did, I did one. I might do more in the future for I wasn’t too bad, sure I just used my phone to take pictures of it for I did it with a sketchbook and pen but hopefully it will teach you something.

Now everyone has a different taste of anime or manga, some find one other more attractive and draw more like that style, that’s what happened to me anyways when I was learning I basically copy from my manga books (the one I like the style the best) and kept going for that look. So this tutorial I’m showing how I draw a girls face.


 I don’t know if you can see and read that, I’ll try to do a better one next time. But to end those post here’s another comic I’ve done, also I manage to draw two pages of Sweet and Sour that was great.

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