Sunday, August 19, 2018

My new goals


So it finally happened. My baby is here I was in the hospital for four days for I had a c-section so that meant longer recovery, and though I’m still in pain and taking care of my new one baby (who I love so dearly) and getting lack of sleep I am still determined to do my goals. I probably have to change my goals now for I don’t think I can do five pages a week but I want to do two pages a week. It will be slow but I need to take it slow.

So far I haven’t finished the first chapter, which I was hoping to get done before my little precious baby came, but I did slack it off a few times and didn’t mean my goal each week. So tomorrow or sometime this week or just by the end of the week I will do at least two pages, one page will be ok but my goal will be two.

Like I said in my last post I did quit I bit, I drew Lark ⬆️ And I am proud of myself of it fir I really like how I did the background.

This picture is Lark determination to save her twin sister and fight those that will stand in her way. I like how I added that sword and how she is placing  her hands on them, it gives a good look for her.

Summer is almost ending and I have done summer pictures of Monny Whitney and Tutu, if you like K Productions on Facebook you’ll probably already have seen them.
If you can tell where this is taking place then awesome, some have and some haven’t it’s in Utah one of my favorite places to go, it arches in Moab. 

School is coming around the corner already and though I’m not in school or my children (not yet anyway) but for who knows these sisters could be. 

When I was a kid I have always run lemonade stands and got a little money out of it. 

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