Tuesday, March 12, 2019


So I recently did a YouTube video about how to draw a Triangle, and I wanted to do something out of the ordinary, or at least something different than I've been doing now, and I got the thinking about Flanngy, Flanngy is a nickname for me and I use it so much cause it's a strange unusual name that I do adore, and then it hit me, what if I become Flanngy? And then I love that idea and started to figure out who she is and how her look should be and how she speaks and such, when I was about to record myself my hubby was asking if he could be Flanngy and I told him no for I am Flanngy and then he wanted to be part of it. He got all dolled up, and I mean he got all dolled up and got really into it. 

If you would like to watch it click here.

That was really fun, I enjoy doing videos but I really like videos with someone, we are planning to do more videos in the future and I hope you will like them.

One of my characters name Bartolomew is a quiet stealthy character, I haven't talk much about him cause he isn't really much to talk about he is just a extra that I needed. He is a little humorous little more than expected and it got me into him a little bit more. I didn't really think I would use him much but the more I drew the more I use him. He is still quiet and works on his own but when you do see him he can make you chuckle. 

I don't know his background story, only that he wasn't the greatest when he was alive on earth and so when he died he was bad and got in trouble but Drake got him to change and now he is working to be a savior...or is he? He really looks up to Drake.

His hair was more like a dark blue and purple color but I didn't like that, so I am going with more a dark red brown look.

Nothing like Susie bright hair. I think my coloring is improving.

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