Monday, March 18, 2019

My Fake Smile

So in this video, I explain about my smile.
I have a small mouth that it can be hard to smile. 

When I was a teenager I had trouble smiling, for my lips are small and so when I do smile it doesn't look like I am and it drives me crazy when someone asks me if I'm ok cause I don't look ok.
My best friend knows how much I get to ask and always tries to tell people not to say it cause there is no need, I am fine, I am not hurt, I am not sick, in pain nothing. I am just doing my own business with my natural look. Which apparently can look like death.

Do you ever get this problem? If you don't then great you got a perfect smile or perfect happy attitude. I have met someone that does smile all day...or at least acts happy, I am sure this person does struggle but every time I see that person there's nothing but sunshine and rainbows following.

When I got older my smile has gotten increase for people to seem to stop asking as much if I'm ok, I notice I do a crooked smile up to my right side of my lips, and there was one point where I was smiling so much that my cheeks would hurt and I had to stretch them, how to do that is make a yawn motion with your mouth. It can hurt.

I do have some rabbit teeth.
I have big teeth for my small mouth that when I was 10 I had to get braces for my dentist told me that I had to most crowded teeth in the world. I had so many teeth that it wasn't fitting in my mouth so they had to pull not one, not two, but four permitted teeth. Two on top and two on the bottom, so they can have room for the upcoming teeth and the rest wouldn't be so smooched. I had braces for two and a half years when it was only supposed to be one year.

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