Saturday, March 2, 2019


I made a video about how I started to be a mother, it is tough and I can get impatient with my kids but it is one of the best things I love doing. Being a mom is wonderful, I enjoy playing with my kids, bounding with them, and etc. They can be really hard at some times and all mothers need that break from kids or else we would go insane and possibly stop mothering, I haven't exactly want to stop mothering my children but I know I have gotten to the point where I can't do it anymore. Postpartum depression was way worst on my second child and it really was hard to cope with.

But it doesn't mean I never hate my kids, I love and adore my children and can't imagine a life without them. Being a mom can be the greatest thing, it just also one of the hardest thing, specially the no sleep that is the killer. You cannot function without sleep, sleep is the one thing you need to stay insane, and you only get three hours of sleep for three days you cannot be normal. 

My hubby with my first child was a little silly not understanding what I have to go through with no sleep, he soon learned and repented and let me sleep while he watches our child and it helped a lot. When it came to my second kid he was on top of it, he wanted to make sure I did OK, got the sleep I need, and wasn't selfish when he came home from work, he knows that I work and clean all day as well and so he helps me stay insane by taking the kids for me for a little bit or we go out on a date once a week. Dates are so crucial for parents, you need that alone time with each other, we even once in a while put the kids down for bed and we stay up watch a movie together while scratching each other backs, it is so nice to have that time with each other. 

I always look forward to our anniversary for we get to go somewhere for one night and that is the nicest. 

I love my two kids, my two little girls, I do hope to have one or two more and wouldn't mind if it was a girl and a boy or just a boy. I am really happy with my two girls if that's all I can have, for I do have pregnancy issues, my heart races for no reason and it can make me feel like I just ran a marathon, and I always ending up in the hospital for reasons and had both my kids three weeks early. 

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