Thursday, March 28, 2019

I'm in a Pickle

So I am in a pickle, I feel very conflicted with my personal life right now. I am not going into details for its none of your business, but I was hoping that my youtube and blog would be something more by now...but it isn't, what do I need to do to make it something you would like to watch or read? On Instagram, I can only put like one link on my BIO and I struggle which one to do, to either do this blog or my youtube channel.

Right now it is my YouTube channel for I feel like more people will like that better, I thought I had done some clever videos (and I know that it will take a while to get subscribers and such, but man it is taking a long time). So I want to know, what kind of videos or comics are you looking for? If you don't know or don't care that's fine but for those that want to help me out that would be great, what kind of videos you are looking for on YouTube, and if you have a comic idea you would like me to do or inspired of me to do please comment or send me a email, my email should be on this blog but if not just email me at You can also check me out on Facebook, Instagram, and my Youtube channel,

This is how I feel, not necessary tired just feel like crap and have choices that I don't know what to do. I feel like whatever I do I need to get a job, even though being a mom is a job and trying to finish my book, I am so close finishing chapter three and I could possibly fit chapter four and five...but I'll focus on four.

I have also decided that maybe if this book only last two volumes that I will add a short story at the end of Volume two, cause I already halfway done with the story, and the story I will add at the end of Volume two or possibly three is the story about Susie, I have really grown about Susie and I had a crazy dream about me being an angel and trying to save this person life but the devil is too strong and was taking over, the way it turned out that I fell in love with the devil as the devil fell in love with me. Weird yes but it made me think a story for Susie based by that dream. 

I haven't written it out yet and I need too so I know if it is even worth doing. I might try to add Imogen story at the end also, I already have done this story and there is a video about her on my channel you can totally check out or read it here on my blog. 

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