Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Ow My Back!


So I had knee surgery six weeks ago and was doing so well lately but today at the Physical Therapy I did something to my back!! NO!!

I don't know what I did but I was putting my brace back on for I was about to do some knee exercises with it and when I buckled the last part and started to straighten up PAIN stuck at the lower part of my back. This isn't the first time it happened, I have weird back pain here and there but it's been a while since the last one. But this is really bad pain, I couldn't move, I couldn't stay still, I just couldn't get comfortable it was in pain no matter what I did.

I can't have this, not now I just got my knee doing well and was cleaning the house and watching my kids, now I am stuck on the bed again. Grr. It is so frustrating, I saw a doctor after my physical therapy and she thinks I may have a slipped disk...well let's hope not, let's hope that I just strained it from bending it a lot to pick up toys and babies and such for I can't use my knees to bend down I have to use my back which I know it's wrong but it's hard to bend still with my knee condition.

It has ruined my chance to make a video, I was planning to make a video as Flanngy again with Barbara, if you haven't seen my last Flanngy video you should totally check it out,, I had a lot of fun making that video with my hubby, yes Barbara is my hubby, when I was about to do this video he wanted to a part of it and got really into to, it was so much fun doing this video with him and we planned to do another today but because I hurt my back we had to postpone till further notice.

You can ask me now if I'm doing ok and my answer is, no I am not doing ok, my knee hurts, my back hurts, and my hip hurts. I also have hip problems I'm pretty sure it's a type of restless leg or something, for I just lay or sit for a period of time it acts up and it hurts and annoying but if I up and do stuff, stretch and such it feels better. 

I love my hubby, he has been taking care of me and my children needs, when he picked me up from therapy and notice about my back pain he took me straight to the doctors and good thing he did cause they did help with the pain. Not totally but help so I can handle the pain, he took care of our kids while I am on the bed again. 

What do you do with your back pain if it's so severe? I heard I might have to do physical therapy for my back and I am not looking forward to that I am just hoping that it will be fine tomorrow and everything will work out.

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