Thursday, March 7, 2019

New Picture for my Channel

I had the most crazy bizarre adventure getting back home from Saint George, my husband pass out behind the wheel I had to drive at least to safety with my left leg for my right leg is not available so that was tricky we had to wait for my hubby's siblings for they had to come down and pick us up, but we did get home safe, and it really looks like we are moving down there for sure and I have some doubts and negative about it and it is very stressful for if we do that we need to find a house and pack and move and then unpack and it's never fun moving.

When I got home I got hit by depression real bad, I haven't take my meds for a few days for I forgot to bring it while we were gone, and I felt pretty good at first thought that maybe just maybe I'm OK and don't need that medication, but I was wrong it came back and I was crying up a storm and also my dragon wanted to breath fire. That sounds like it could be a good song, ♭ I cry up a storm and my dragon roars!! Hey that rhymes I should totally make a song, -don't steal it-.

Anyway yeah I got hit and got me really down and didn't want to do anything, depression is such a killer, I really do hope it goes away soon for I hate how I feel like this, I was doing so good for so long besides my knee this depression has been the worst thing that has been upon me, there's no controlling it.

Anyways today I am doing a little better and manage to put this together for my YouTube Channel,
Thumbnail Maker is a app I found on my phone and decided to try to use it and I like it. It just has me this time not all three of us. Who 'us' you might be wondering? The name K Productions came from the idea of us sisters that have names start with a K, my older sister and my younger sister. We created The Intriguing Life of Nonny Whitney and Tutu and created our stories together, Sweet and Sour has been helped by my younger sister and she has been supportive with my blog and channel. My older sister is usually the brains of all of our comics and stories, but ever since she got married and have kids it's kind of hard to get her brains working again but she is still part of the K Productions team. 

The 3.0 came from my little brother, he suggest to add that for there are more than one K Productions on YouTube and the 3 means three of us, my older sister me and my younger sister, I haven't said their names and that's because I don't know if they want me too so I'll just say the first few letters,
my older sister name is Ka---and my younger sister name is Ky---. Got it?

Ugh, I just had a burger that had thick slices of onions and now all I can taste is onions, does anyone have a breathe mint? 

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