Wednesday, March 13, 2019

My Story

So on March 14 is Write your story day and it has been on my mind about it ever since I found out and I know I have a story but I don’t know how to share it, and I don’t know how to draw it for I am doing National Days this year and this one has really had me.

>Being a mother and started a blog plus anime

I am a mother of two kids, I have a hubby who has health problems but still tries to provide for this family and we have been living on paycheck after paycheck and my hubby has been job after job and after another job lost I had it I wanted to do something even if it leads to nowhere I still wanted to do something. That’s when I started my blog. Flanngy Drew thick and thin, Flanngy is me, Krystal, I also go by Krissy chan for I have a passion with Manga and Anime, but I haven’t really watched any ‘new’ anime when I was a teenager I would be on Youtube watching Anime hours after hours and wouldn’t stop. My favorite was Princess Tutu, it does have nudity but what anime doesn’t? I am doing manga myself, or graphic illustrations if you want to call it, at least my mom does.

>Comic dream

I am working on one called Sweet and Sour, it was one of my first original stories that I started making when I was 13-14ish, I never finished it but it was a story that I and my little sister became and I wanted to polish on my tablet as a beginner trail. I haven’t finished the first book but want to by April or June, since I had knee surgery I am behind on schedule. I don’t have a publisher but I hope I will figure that out when I finish this book. My favorite Manga is From Far Away and Rurouni Kenshin.


I have also started a Youtube channel. Youtube has always been something that I’ve been so intrigued, I always tried making my own videos and I loved making videos, I made music videos with my sisters and I would edit it together and it was so much fun even though we had a computer that was slower than a turtle and would crash on me and lost memories and it would get me so mad. I even made some videos with my best friend and some other friends, I love filming and editing, I have posted videos on Youtube but it stopped by my parents for they were sketchy about it and banned us from Youtube and that crushed me. Yes, there are bad things on Youtube but only if you go to them.

For a long time, I wasn’t allowed on youtube, so I got used to it, but when I was older, married and had one child I was back into Youtube on my phone. Technology these days are amazing then back then. I can’t stop watching youtube videos I enjoy watching them and they help me fall asleep at night, especially watching people play horror games, I have a thing about horror games and videos, but just the intense ones, not the gory ones.  So I got back into youtube and made my own personal channel called K Productions, well after a while I had to change it to K Productions 3.0 for apparently there were tons of K Productions already so it hard for some I know try to find my videos. I made a facebook account called K Productions posting all of my comics on it, after a while I only got 21 followers on it and it took me months to get that much, well my sister told me to do an Instagram account, now I’m more familiar with Facebook so I wasn’t sure but when I did, BOOM I already got 60 followers in weeks and still have 21 on Facebook.

I enjoy making comics, especially on my tablet that my best friend got for me. I use to do my comics on paper and had to use a marker and pen to do it and also scan it in my computer and edit it so you can read the text and I hated it, it was a lot of work that shouldn’t be so when I got my nice tablet Stirling life was simpler. I also use it to create my videos, I use to have a nice program for animations but my laptop wouldn’t work anymore so after months I got a new laptop but doesn’t have a CD portal so I couldn’t download my animation program to my new laptop, which is stupid for I just got it down on how to use it. So now I just use my art program and do a picture by picture kind of animations. I don’t know what’s the best animations program that is free and easy to use I just don’t want to overload my new lappy Aqua Cloud for I can’t afford a new one.

>Music in my heart

I am fulfilling my dreams, I have always wanted to be something, yes I did want to be a mom but once I did I felt something was missing and got really depressed for I wasn’t doing anything to fulfill my dreams. My dreams became a comic artist and music composer...I have created songs over the years as well, I can't read music but can’t play the piano and guitar and made over 100 original songs. My music side came when I was 12 when I found out who Imogen Heap was, when I discovered her I fell in love with her and her talent, I started to learn how to do piano because of her, I didn’t learn notes I just learn how to move my hands on the keys, and it soon became a thing that I love doing. I started making tunes and lyrics, I borrowed a keyboard from a good friend when I was 14 for my dad couldn’t stand me playing the family piano anymore so I got a keyboard to play in my room and learn more about music.

I would spend time in my room making music, I’m not a good singer but did get some singing lesson from my mom, my mom has a beautiful voice, and she would teach me while we are driving somewhere for that's the only time she has for me to learn. A mom that raised ten kids has a lot on her plate. I learn guitar when I was 15 and got my own guitar Walcom for my birthday and my school taught guitar so that’s where I went for my high school years. I enjoy it, I learned a lot about the guitar and at home, I would play it a lot and made my own songs on it as well. But I’m not a music genius, I took a voice lesson choir class in high school and they were asking the students about minor and major and I had no idea what they are talking about when they ask me I was dumbfounded. Yes so if you ask me to jam with you I’m going to say no cause I’m not confident.

I do want to publish my songs and make albums and go out on tour performing them, that was one of my dreams do.

But right now I am drawing, I did do one of my songs with a speed art video called Hourglass, I wrote this song after my mission. My mission to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I served for eighteen months in Kansas. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done but it was so rewarding at the same time and glad I endure the eighteen months.


If you’re not familiar what this church is or what the missionaries do I suggest to go and ask one, they are usually the ones that have two companions of boys and girls wearing shirt and tie or dress and skirts with a black badge on their chest saying Elder something or Sister something, I was Sister Barrett, people got my name wrong a few times, it was Sister Barrette Bartlet and Bennett...It’s ok I forgave them, I learn a lot in my mission, my eyes open for I had no idea how many different religions there was till I was in Kansas on the bible belt. I can see why Joseph Smith was confused about which one to go to, again if you don’t know and would like to know I would suggest to find a missionary or go to or, we are a church of Jesus Christ not to Mormon, people know us better if we say Mormon but we don’t preach about Mormon we preach about Christ, he is our saviour and how our purpose was to bring others to come unto Christ. I’m not trying to make you believe what I believe in this no I’m just telling about my religious beliefs for this church has made me who I am also, and that is a child of God, and without God, I don’t know how I would survive. He has saved me in so many ways that I know he is there and Christ lives, he suffered all of our sins and died and lived again so we can live again, death is not something that ends there's more and that comforts me, wouldn’t it for you? I know that this church is true, I have studied it myself and ask God if it is and got an answer that I cannot forget, it’s a feeling that felt warm and peaceful, again I’m not trying to convert but I know that people have some strong feelings about us. They even say how we don’t believe in christ...that really gets me for our church name (The church of Jesus Christ) has Jesus Christ in it. We read the bible of King James version and have the book of Mormon, it doesn’t take anything away from what the bible says it just adds and helps the bible, at least it has helped me understand the Bible, these books bring truth about Jesus Christ and help each other out, I enjoy reading the New testament and the book of mormon, we have nothing against the bible we learn from it just as much as the book of mormon, and if you want to know if it true you need to read it yourself and ask God, that’s what I did, I have studied it for myself and asked God. I have compared it to another religion that I’m not going to name if it’s true and when I ask I had the most unspeakable dark feeling, I felt so sick and gross I had to leave. Now I’m not saying other religions are bad no every church I have discover do great things and we like to serve or help as much as we can without contentions, I’m just telling you what I believe.

So yeah serving a mission was really hard but one of the best reward I could ever ask. I didn't really convert anyone but have taught a lot of good people, made lots of friends, and got people that weren’t active (as in won’t come to church anymore) I got them to come again. And that’s just as good as baptizing them.

>My Honesty and C.A.P.D plus my dragon

My story is long and there's so much more about my story than this but I feel like this is a good portion about me. If you would like to write your story on March 14 You can in the comments or on a pen and paper or whatever, I don’t know if you learn anything from my story and you will probably either love it or hate it,  I know there are haters out there but I know there's good in you and you are struggling with life just like me, I have dealt with really bad postpartum depression it feels like a dragon that wants to breathe fire out of me, but it also feels like I am in a deep hole and cry myself till I drown, depression is a real thing that cannot be controlled, I understand that now before I didn’t I was so naive about it when I hear people having depression I didn’t understand why they are depressed and can’t be happy but now I know and I am so sorry for those that struggle with it, I also struggle with financial. I know I’m not you, but I know You are You and what makes you are beautiful don’t ever forget who you are, if you decide to dislike me for reason I don’t know then ok, I can’t stop you, but I would rather if you like me for I am a nice person, I am a good listener if it just you talking and nobody else interrupting, for if you don’t know I also have C.A.P.D, (Central Auditory Process Disorder) it’s a type of a hearing disorder where I can hear fine but information doesn’t get to my brain so I was in the special classes all growing up, and if I was in a normal class I had a someone there always helping me understand. It is a struggle still today, I get things to mix up and get impatient when I don’t understand, special over the phone.

>Ballet, Knee, Bugs, tongue, my love for family

You can learn more about me on my blog, for I tell all of these things and more, I have a passion for dancing, ballet, I really thought I was going to a professional ballet dancer for I worked hard to get on pointe shoes and wanted to get strong on them and be so good. But I have a knee problem and I got it to fix but I still don’t know if I can dance so, for now, I am a mom drawing my book Sweet and Sour hoping to do other stories, (Flower in the Dust, Moon Princess, Gaining Altitude, etc I have a million more). I also do my comics of The Intriguing Life of Nonny Whitney & Tutu, and my videos on youtube, I feel like it’s my purpose and it makes me so happy and relieved to do them. I do have a fear of beetles grasshoppers and dislike cockroaches (On my mission I lived in a lot of areas where there was nothing but cockroaches and it made me sick). Not spiders, I am a spider killer in my family. I use to not like pizza but ever since I got pregnant I can’t stop eating them. I have a tongue allergic reaction to centrist and avocados which is sad it started when I first got pregnant, not sure why but ever since then I can’t really eat oranges and such and I love pineapple and avocados. My biggest fear is losing my kids, I love my kids so much that if they got kidnapped, got lost, or died I don’t know what I’ll do with myself, I love my family and I don’t want anything bad to happen to us. I thank God every day that nothing has so far.

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The Struggle is Real

Hello people of the world, Krissy here with another blog post.  Depression is a real and serious issue that affects many people. It can be d...