Thursday, October 4, 2018

Angel or the Devil

So I did a video of me drawing this picture with a pen, it's on youtube 
and I scan it in my computer and colored it. Hmmm, suspicious why does Joy a devil and a savior. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

I manage to draw one page...that's it. I am really struggling with my depression, I know I keep mentioning it but it's been really tough. I did go see my doctor about it and gave me meds...but apparently, they don't affect until a month so I am trying, I have been exercising every morning, my hubby has been nice to watch the kids for me to do so which is great, I tried biking and running. 

So that picture I want to talk more about real quick, in the original story, I had no idea how I was going to end the story, I wasn't even sure where this story was going I was just like the idea of having twin girls, one on earth lost her memories and the other twin had to find them and had a cute guy with her that likes to kiss her a lot, this time around I have a good feeling about it for it has a good moral story and a great twist. 

I have created more development in the characters especially Joy, I thought Joy was the main main character but it's more about Lark, for it's more her point of view and Izumi it seems we look at Izumi life more than Joy, Joy just changes his heart and becomes sweet at the end same with Lark. Both Lark and Izumi are the Sour ones, it was originally Izumi that was the sour one, but since I rewrote this story it's been more like Lark is the Sour one and becomes sweet at the end. 

The reason Lark is sour is that growing up everyone kept thinking she was Joy and everyone seem to like Joy more than Lark and Lark were getting jealous about that. Soon she became distant from Joy and didn't want to be like her. So when they died she became a Savior real quick as for Joy didn't and that made Lark very happy, she was a little proud but didn't care for she didn't like Joy in the first place. But Joy still did, she always tries to be with Lark but Lark pushes away and right there made Joy be a devil, and that's what this picture is all about. 

Joy becomes a devil and that's a big twist that I find fascinating in this story, and I hope it's something you will be interested in reading.

I have shown this before but its the only picture I have so far of Lark of her. I will have to do a picture of Lark and Joy together.

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