Saturday, October 27, 2018

Dream story

Do you ever had a dream and you feel like you can write a story about it? I do a lot, but didn't really bother with it, well only a few times at least. Last night I had a bizarre dream but when I woke up I kept thinking about it and thought how it could potentially be a story.

In my dream I was in school and apparently I was very smart and had a boyfriend but my boyfriend dumb me and all of my class mates hate me cause of how smart I was, rude, and so there was a party happening at the school and everyone was having fun but then a monkey came out of nowhere and scared everyone away soon a man that was sitting on a wheel chair got up and grabbed me and put me in his car.

The monkey was driving and the man was explaining to me how they needed me to get home now, I didn't understand and begged them to take me to my home that I think was home with my mom, but they wouldn't so I cried. Soon we were very hungry and I suggested Wendy's and when we got there I made a phone call privately to my friend Whitney and she had no idea who I was. It was like I didn't exist anymore. I cried again and the man and monkey found me and tried to explain that I'm not from this world and such.

I then woke up but kept thinking about this dream. I don't know what I could do to this dream or how to make a story, I find it funny that the monkey was driving the car and the man kept kissing my face, yeah the man kept kissing my face it was like I was his lost love or something.

She's most likely a Alien, and her smartness explains it for maybe her type of alien shows she adsorbs knowledge more than a human being. Her mom probably found her or something maybe it could be a thing where aliens found her mom to take care of her until the moment is right to bring her back home, it could be like a story where the main character isn't safe at her own planet and needs to be taken care of somewhere else until it is safe. Maybe?

The main character name will be...hmm...Erika? The mom name is Hannah, the Monkey name is Mo-mo, and the man name is...Quinn. Yes? Maybe I don't know for sure but lets keep brainstorming.

Erika is from a different universe and when she was born a jealous friend that had feelings for the father of the baby was about to kill the baby and the mother but only succeeded to kill the mother  the father saved the baby and sent a servant to get the baby safe. Maybe the servant was Quinn and he traveled far to Earth where he found Hannah to take her in. Erika original name is Morphaphine, and Quinn original name is Qort. Yeah that should work right? And over time he kept a eye on Erika for he couldn't get back home, and got a pet monkey maybe...yeah I like that.

I think I already got a name for this story, it will be called Humanoid, for she isn't human or is that name really for robots that look like humans? I have been told humanoid means not human and that's what she is, could that work? I like the idea and maybe I could try to add robots in it, maybe since Erika is so smart she can make robots, maybe?

I like the idea so far but I don't know if it will go anywhere at this point for I'm too focus on my book, videos, and my children.
 Here's a new comic I recently did, I find it hilarious and I hope you will too. You can find more comics on Facebook K productions or Instagram K Productions 3.0. 

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