Thursday, October 11, 2018

My Bad at Receiving Gifts

So this video shows a true tale about myself. I'm not proud of it but it happens when I don't realize so I have been trying really trying to act each time I have given a gift to act like I really like it, and I do like the gifts I get I just don't express it.

And it does embarrasses me when I notice it, how I notice it? The person who gives me a gift and I don't react the way they thought I would they feel unthankful and upset that they gave me the gift in the first place.

But I have been happy, like this video, it shows how the first person gave her money and she was grateful but wasn't thrilled, when the second person gave her a piece of paper she was thrilled and ran out of the room all happy. That really happened to me, my sister so graciously gave me a check of a pricy amount of money and I just said "Thanks," and put it aside with all the rest of my gifts. Then when my other sister gave me a gift and it was a small piece of paper (Piece of paper of a DVD I wanted that will be in the mail soon) I was thrilled jumped up and down and everything. My first sister was so upset and was like "Are you kidding me? I give her money and gave me nothing but you give her a piece of paper and she is peeing her pants!" 

Haha, it's kind of funny. I felt bad afterwards. 

But I have been thrilled with other gifts too, on my ninth birthday I got a black kitten and I loved him to death. On my sixteenth birthday, I got tickets to my favorite artist band of all times Imogen Heap, I cried tears of joy on that one. And...I think that's it, I'm now 25 and don't think I had any other present that I can think that made me so happy to have. I got my tablet from my friend as a Christmas/Birthday gift and I was happy to get it but she told me way in advance and took forever to get it so once I got it I was happy to start it but it was on a day that wasn't special and it wasn't wrapped or anything but I'm still very grateful for it. 

My husband gives me great gifts too I guess, he would surprise me with them he would get flowers randomly, or when I'm having a bad day, he would also buy me dresses when we don't have the money for it but I love the dresses he picks the best dresses for me, or at least something I would like to wear. That's sweet of him. 

But I don't have to put a fake smile a lot of times, I love Hello Kitty so I've been getting tons of Hello Kitty stuff because everyone keeps giving me Hello Kitty stuff, and now I'm like "oh  Hello Kitty doll (Not like I already have one)...thanks." 

I guess this is nothing about my story or my comics but I just wanted to give a background of this video I just made. 

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