Friday, October 5, 2018

What makes a good Story?

What makes a good story?

I have been creating stories for a long time and the first ones I have done are not very good. I remember my older sister would tell me how my story isn't good cause there is no plot. No plot, there's nothing going on, it's just life, a girl in a family going to school meeting a guy and he likes hanging around her...that was it, that was my first story I have created. I didn't know I was like nine or ten when I did that story.

She did get me thinking though, I wanted to create a good story so my older sister helped me to do so. We came up an idea of a fairy who forgot she was a fairy and a pixie helps her to remember who she is and defeat the villain, we called it the Lost Fairy, and at the time my older sister can draw better than me so I wanted her to draw it. But she never did it, we kept talking about the story but she wouldn't draw it out like I would like her too so I decided to....write it.

Yep, I wrote it. I typed and took me a while to learn how too but eventually after typing for days after days I became an expert at typing before I even went to typing class, everyone was impressed with me. But I didn't like the story, it didn't lead anywhere and didn't know anything about high school, the only way I could know is by reading books, Twilight was one of them, and I do like Twilight still it was the only book I finish from beginning to end in three days.

So I decided to become up another story, another magical girl story, but not one or two but five magical girls. Five Stars Princesses, I didn't type it, I actually drew it. I drew it in a notebook and it was ok but my older sister kept giving me tips and it would upset me at first but now I'm grateful for them for I didn't know where I was going with this story, I was just making it up as I drew.
These are the five princesses, they look different in the original notebook that I drew.

As I drew the comic of fine star princess it wasn't good...even when I got my first Sketchbook it was terrible. 
See this was the original characters, totally different. Even their names are different, it uses to be Kichi Kellala, Kiko, Kina, and Kihami, now it's different and frankly, I can't remember at the moment so I'll have to get back with you with that.

But here are samples from it, I started this book when I was 12 in the seventh grade. I just started how to draw manga or even how to draw period.

Those eyes are huge!! Well usually I do big eyes for the girls, but I feel like these are HUGE.

Look at how many boxes I made with no space in between them, and this is what I would be doing during my classes, I get in trouble a few times but I do have some sweet teachers who would let me draw for that's all I wanted to do was to draw this book.

This story made no sense like I said I was making it up as I drew I didn't care to figure it all out and write it down first all I wanted to do was to draw it. 

That's embarrassing, but that's a little example of how NOT to do a story. Sure it's good practice, cause practice makes perfect, in this case, I draw everywhere I go and didn't stop drawing so over the years drawing became better and I enjoy students that I hardly know in my classes love to watch me draw or would like to read it. That was the best feeling. But I do hate when they ask if I could draw them, I'm like "Sure I will" and never do. I did for some folks, I even did to a guy that ask to be drawn in a towel, I didn't think that was bad but now I understand why he was laughing so much and showed it off to his friends and they would laugh. I'm slightly embarrassed by that but at the same time, it was fine.

Now to make a good story you need a buddy. Yes a buddy, for me that was the best thing, and my buddy was my older sister who was always criticizing me of my stories, but it was good cause they suck, Five Star Princess went nowhere. Same with Lost Fairy and Sweet and Sour was ok but not the best. 

So one day my older sister and I were talking and started making up a story and soon it got really good, not sure how this story goes we liked it and I started creating characters and get her approval and kept it going, I started to draw the story in a sketchbook and would not stop. We will talk some more and then I'll draw, then we will talk and I'll draw more it got so fun, we also would bound and became closer as sisters. She is a fantastic writer, she has written amazing stories, and some I have decided to draw, she would write to them and I would draw it. One of the stories she wrote is Moon Princess, which I believe I show a picture of it already but here it is again.
It's one of my favorite stories that she has written and am excited to draw it on my tablet, it's like a dark story but like super good, this story is gorier than my other books, so this isn't for kids.

Now I am learning to make a great story is to have a buddy, write the story, sketch the story then do the real deal on my fancy tablet. It's my big dream to publish my books and maybe my songs one day but right now it's my books and art I want to spread to the world, I hope you like them too and learn something from this post. 

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