Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Character Chiaki

So guess who this is? You got it, Chiaki (Che-A-key), and his one of the characters in my story. He helps seek the memory crystals for Joy. He is from Japan 🇯🇵 and lived a long life with his wife name Ichigo, yeah strange names but I like the idea. He died in a old age and his wife is still living, he is waiting for her to join him to the Ablyss place which is like paradise but better. He earned his savior degree so he helps people on earth, he likes to visit Ichigo when he can and if you remember Imogen story he helps her. 

Imogen and Chiaki are in a relationship in heaven, well more like Imogen likes him and he is sweet and kind and will choose Ichigo over Imogen when she dies. Imogen knows that, but till then Imogen spends most of her time with Chiaki. 

Chiaki doesn’t really have a tragic story as I have with all of my other characters, doesn’t mean he didn’t have a hard life I mean life is hard in general for everyone. He just didn’t really have that sad tragic tale to tell. Well he couldn’t have kids with his wife that’s sad, his father was mean and left him and his mom along with four other siblings when he was young, but nothing abusive. Chiaki is a kindness person you will ever meet, he will take care of your needs and doesn’t care for the cost. 

He does have history though, his great-great x100000000000000000 great grandparents did something that affects in this story. In the very beginning, way before the Great Almighty made the universe there were two pre spirits name Oma and Kim. Oma and Kim loved each other so much and were excited to become humans, to have a body, to have that physical touch that they don’t know about but we’re excited about it. Once earth the was made the Almighty told his pre-spirit children to enter the pre-mortal door you will lose your memory of heaven. Everyone accepted it and one by one each pre-spirit enter the Pre-mortal door lost their memories but gain a physical body. 

Once it was Oma and Kim turn they went thru it together hoping they will stay together on earth. But at last when they were born, they were born twins and forgot about heaven, so they had no clue they were lovers in heaven, no clue they loved each other in that way, for now, they know they are twins and their names were Orger and Kannes. 

They grew up in ancient times in Greece, everyone poor and begged for a king and queen to rule over them. Times were tough, Orger and Kannes lost each other and faced the most dreadful experience that has happened on earth. Once Kannes died from snake poison she went to heaven and started to learn to become a Savior or Devil and then had some remembrance of Oma and realized it was Orger the whole time. 

Once Orger died Kannes trained him but sneakily told him the truth and once he remembered he was sickened. The Almighty lie to them. They request that they can still be together on earth and have a wonderful time but that was never the case. They came up a plan to go search there powerful Invulnerable Ruby’s in the universe, not just the one that the Almighty made, God’s before the Almighty made universes. So years after years they searched for the rare Ruby’s and once they finally found them they created a weapon, a weapon that can ruin the Almighty plan. But when they came back they have arrested to the Abyss place for trespasses another universe without permission. 

That's all I'm going to explain, the Orger married Hymus they had a son that married Kannes daughter (Kannes was never married, she was captured and became a sex slave and bore 8 children and all children were released in the wild with no one to take care of them. But don't worry all right kids were saved and grew up with adopted parents) point is Kannes daughter and Orger son got married and years after that till modern times is when Chiaki was born and when he died he learned of his grandparent's mistakes and ask him to be a guard of the weapon. 

This certain weapon will reveal its power and mess up the world but I'm not telling what the weapon does or how it got in the wrong hands for that's the best part in my story Sweet and Sour. 

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