Saturday, October 27, 2018

Music videos

So when I was a teenager and figure out how to use a Windows Movie Maker, I was all over it. I love making videos and still do I think it's part of my calling besides making stories. I have posted videos on my original youtube account which is just my name, and my parents absolutely hated that. They hate youtube, which I can understand for Youtube does have bad stuff in it, but it also has good stuff in it. So we were banned from Youtube, could not use it and it did crush me for I really like making those videos.

Now that I allow for I am old enough and have my own computer to do whatever I want, (I don't abuse Youtube) I want to post my videos! So I couldn't find my original videos it's lost gone but still on Youtube, or well what's on Youtube, for we made more videos then what's on there and I'm going to share them with you.

It's not on K Productions 3.0 it's still on my original one Krystal Williams, I couldn't figure out how to get my videos and get them on my K Productions channel so yeah, Subscribe my K Productions 3.0 channel I want to go beyond on that one.

Also, we did these videos before the name K Productions came so if the credits say KKK then that’s because I name it and didn't know what the Kkk was the three K’s is supposed to represent our names which are Karli Krystal and Kynsie.

I was turning sixteen on this video how strand I was so young. My style in this video was a style I still like, I like how crazy my hair is and how my outfit was, just my hubby doesn't quite approve he finds it weird, which it is but I like it. I did my sisters hair and outfits as well, it doesn't match but the point is to be weird and out of place, but I find beauty in it.

If I do become popular one day I would still like to have that style and lose weight, for I have gained a lot over the years and being pregnant did it. I can't believe I thought I was fat at that time, look how well skinny I was. I am working our and eating right, just take time and patience. Do you guys remember the comic I did for this subject?
This comic isn't it so funny and true unless you don't experience this then you are lucky.

We were waiting for something and decided to take time to make a video, not the best action video for the part where she is supposed to shoot the pumpkins it doesn't look like she is for the pumpkins don't explode or anything. 

This will be the last video I'll show. Regina Spektor and Imogen Heap are our favorites, along with Tegan and Sara and more but we do most of our music videos with those three. They are awesome and makes music to our soul. I know I posted a lot of music videos but I guess I just want to show my background of making videos. I have made music videos with my friends too and I'm the one that puts the video together and I enjoy it. I hope to make more in the future just hard to get the K Production team together for we are all grown up married have kids or at college. 

And remember, I didn't know what KKK meant back then so if you see that in credits don't laugh or think it's the real KKK, the three K's was an idea I though would be cool to call us for we are the three K names, I had no idea what the KKK really meant.

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