Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Story Plot

Doing a story needs to be created like carving a marble, or making a dress, you need to sew all the parts together inside before it can look beautiful on the outside. I have sewed a skirt and it does take time to find a pattern, fabric, cutting, pinning, sewing, and etc, I never realized how much of the inside of a peice of clothing you have to do before the outside of the skirt can look amazing. I hate sewing and will never sew again.

Making a story is the same and is something that I'll always be doing cause I love it. When I was young I loved making stories, I would just make one up and just draw it without a plan, now I do for that's what a great storyteller do, or what an author will do.

You need an idea, once you get the idea it needs a plot, a plot then characters. I use to just have a hero and a villain and would have a great understand of the hero but nothing of the villain, but I have noticed once I have an understanding of the villian the story is 10 times better. For people are not born evil, no one, there needs to be a reason why they are evil and you actually fall in love with your villain, well not what they do once their evil but who they were and why they become and you feel bad for them and wish for the best for them.

Here's a plot diagram, not the best but that's basically what you need for a story. I'm going to use my Unknown Story for example.

The beginning-A girl name Chloe goes trick and treating, some girls from school dared her to go in an old creepy abandoned house and so she goes in.

Conflict-Once Chloe is in the house she finds a mirror and a shadow figure was in it and pulls her in the mirror into a land called Trakula, a man name Issacara introduces to her that he needs her help to turn Trakula back the way it was.

Rising Action-Chloe goes with Issacara on an adventure to the wizard that started the tragic in the land Trakula.

Add Event-she meets a Cowdog village that was on fire

Add event- Chloe learning magic?

Add event-Chloe and Issacara have feelings for each other.

Climax- Meeting the Wizard and destroy him

Falling action- Chloe restores Trakula into a beautiful fantasy land once again and Issacara is back to normal. 

Resolution-Chloe goes back home, misses Issacara

Not sure if Chloe and Issacara should get together for she's only 15 in this book, and Issacara has to be over a 100 years old...we will see I guess, and I really just made all that up, I have no idea how Chloe will defeat the Wizard, I have no idea who the Wizard is and how or why he made Trakula the way it is, this story is something I'll have to get into but Sweet and Sour is on my mind so I can't 
really focus on this Unkown story. I don't know what to call it yet...

But once you have a plot, WRITE WRITE WRITE! Make your hands burn from writing so much, or make your head explode, writing the story is important. Making a rough draft of the story can help you to understand the story better, and you might rewrite it one or ten times, you got to make it good before you profession it. I didn't do that at first and now I know how a great use it is and how much better it is to write the story first and then type it or draw it.

Before I would just talk to my sisters or friends and then draw it, but if you do that you forget what has been said so when you show your drawing to your sisters they ask, "What, wheres this part?" and you then feel embarrassed cause you forgot and you needed that part in the story.  

Drawing a comic is not complicated but is something you need to master, like figure the box size and make sure the reading flow is good and understandable, I have learned a lot over the years on Youtube and Pinterest.

Here’s a video of how I do comics, or how to do a story and draw it out. I hope you like it. 

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