Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Writing a Story....NOW!

My writing skills aren't the greatest, for my grammar stinks and my English grade was a C, but it never stops me from writing stories, besides draw manga comics I also typed stories.

I love typing, I became so good at it that I crushed my typing class in Jr. High school, (I took that class twice and it's like pfft why?)

So I have decided to write a story right now from the top of my head and I'm going to it in five minutes....no I'm kidding but maybe I'll do a video for that.

There was a girl name Chole, Chole was trick or treating wearing a witch costume and was all alone, for her big brother was stupid to leave her by herself and go hang with his friends.

Chloe goes to a house after house and soon it got really dark and there was only one house around and it was the abandoned house. She saw her classmates there throwing rocks at it, Chloe was about to walk away but they saw her and called her, "Hey Chloe! Come over here!"  Chloe didn't want to for these girls are no friends to her they have been bullying her and make her do their homework. But Chloe went to them trying to be brave.

The tallest girl smirks and says to Chloe, "Hey scary cat, how would you like to go in that house?" Chloe didn't want to go to that house, who knows what will happen.

The other girls laugh, "Oh we dare you and if you stay in there for five minutes you can join our group," Chloe, of course, didn't want to do that but knew if she didn't go in she would bully her about it at school. So she quietly went in the abandoned house, hearing the girls behind her laughing.

It was fine at first a little creepy seeing old furniture and dust bunnies all around, but then she saw a mirror, she saw her reflection but as she got closer to it the mirror reflection slowly transform into a tall dark figure. Chloe stops her steps and begins to heavily breathe, blinking constantly for it she couldn't believe it did that. and yet it did.

Soon the dark figure showed it's hands to her and swoosh it for her to come over, she didn't want too but soon it swoosh its hands and then a huge wind came out of nowhere and things started moving towards the mirror and disappearing. Chloe being freaked out began to run but wasn't going anywhere for the wind sucked her in the mirror.

Screaming for her life she fell in the mirror and kept falling in darkness. She eventually hit some kind of ground but couldn't tell for it was pitch dark.

Wondering where she was at all she can do is cry, she was hurt, alone, and scared. This Halloween has become a real nightmare, she blamed her big brother who was supposed to protect her even though she's 15 years old, old enough to protect herself and probably shouldn't have gone trick or treating, but she still went thinking it will be fun but now she regrets it.

Soon she heard a voice, "Hello there,"

She screamed jumped looked around couldn't see anything still but the voice continues, "don't be afraid you are perfectly safe, but not for long. You have been chosen, chosen to save our world will you accept this quest for the sake of many souls of Trakula?"

The only thing  Chloe can think is that she wants to home, her whole body shaking and just wants this to stop.

"I understand you are confused, but you are the only one that can save us, will you do it?" the voice kept talking to Chloe and kept asking her to do something that she has no idea what it is. She finally nods her head and all of sudden a beam a light appeared and a gust of wind.

Chloe covered her eyes as the light came over her. When she felt the wind calm she looked up, she sees a dark misty land with curly black trees, dark purple plants and navy blue sky. The only thing that was bright was the moon, two of them to be exact.

She looked around and soon found a dark figure next to her, she shakily looked up and sees a face, a man face, she calmed down a little bit to see a normal handsome face but when the man talk she can see his fangs and they were huge that's not normal.

"Hello, I'm sorry to startle you like that but there was no other way to get you here. You are in Trakula, a land of monsters," he put his arm out to the show the land out of his black cloak, and instead of admiring the land all Chloe can think what he said, 'MONSTERS???!!!'

"My name is Issacara, I'm a vampire and I was the one that summoned you here for you are chosen,"

Chloe still unable to speak just pull her hat over her face, put her head between her knees and cried thinking out loud, 'this isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real' over and over again.

Issacara feeling bad he has frightened her kneels down and puts his hand on her, "I'm sorry witch, I just am so desperate to find someone like you that I just panic, just breath and relax and  I'll explain myself." he sits in front of her. "Trakula uses to be land of beauty, full of creatures that were full of life and beauty, it uses to be sunny and full of hope with flowers insects and such, but ever since the wizard came things have turned from light to dark. He has turned creatures into monsters...this isn't the real me, I use to be Water Elf, an Elf that can use his powers of water for good, but now I'm a monster, a vampire that craves not water but blood and I hate it...I miss the taste of water or even use water for good, there's no water here and anything just black trees and night sky...can you please help us?"

Chloe peeks up from her hat looking at him, his face looks sad and miserable, for whatever happened to this place and to him has been horrible and not just for him but for the rest of the creatures that live in Trakula.

"Here let's start over, hi I'm Issacara what's yours?"

He hands out his hand like he wants to shake it, Chloe finally sits up and slowly takes the hand, "Chloe," she utters shyly, Issacara grins.

"Nice to meet you, Chloe,"

We are going to stop there, I'm going to draw this characters so far and see where this goes, I literally made this up as I typed had some help for I had this idea a while ago and my younger sister helped me a little bit and since it's Halloween it's a Halloween Special.

I love Halloween, it's my favorite holiday besides my birthday and Christmas, here's a comic I found in my old notebooks.

Open Pickles, a friend of mine told me to do a comic about pickles, as random it was I just did it and I find it hilarious. 

And here's a costume lol, I don't understand why they have to make every costume for women so scandal, do they really think all girls are like that?

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