Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Character Wyatt

Update on that story about that dream I had, I think I'm going to change the name to Vivian instead of Erika, Erika wasn't doing for me and when I heard Vivian from a movie I was watching the other day just hit me.

As for my life right now I have a major headache at this time I don't know if it's from lack of sleep for my baby doesn't want to sleep at night anymore for she is too busy crying, so when I get her to stop crying I cannot move or else she cries again. I am working on chapter two and honestly, I am going faster with this chapter already than I did with chapter one. I have been trying to do two pages a day and I have done that mostly. There have been times where I only do one or a half or not do one for I'm too busy dealing with kids or life, but at least I am doing it and it's moving faster. Well, hopefully, I can keep it up cause I want to get it done before or on Christmas.
So I don't think I have explained who this guy is yet, he is one of the characters that help find the crystals. His name is Wyatt and he looks young (well when you die you look young) but he died at age 35. He had a rough life like anyone else would growing up with big brothers picking on him, being adult never found love, working as an architect, and such. He died with cancer, he found out he had a massive mas in his head and didn't have enough time to cure it.
When he died he met Chiaki and Imogen, Chiaki became his teacher and (If you don't know who Chiaki or Imogen are checked out my other post https://flanngyslastdraw.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-character-chiaki.html  https://flanngyslastdraw.blogspot.com/2018/09/imogen-tale.html) Wyatt has a crush on Imogen. He likes to hang around her, wants to be her friend even though she is with Chiaki at the moment and Imogen is like a foot taller than him. 

That's basically it, I don't know for sure if Imogen does fall for him eventually or not but Wyatt is awesome and likes to be with her even though he can't be with her. I like him as a good kind boy, he does have a good heart, he learned that from his mom. 

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